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Int 67 Fn FFA5  U - Compaq Cemm V5.10+ - Private API                       [m]

   AX = FFA5h
   BX = 4345h ("CE")
   DX = subfunction
       0000h unshadow video ROM???
       0001h shadow video ROM???
       0002h map pages
       CX = number of pages (00h=one)
       ESI = linear address of first page to map into address space
       EDI = linear starting address at which pages are to be visible
       0003h get ???

       Return: DX = ??? (0-2)
       0004h BUG: crashes system due to fencepost error

Return: AH = 84h
   AL = status (84h = error, FFh = success)

Note:  if BX <> 4345h or DX > 0004h on entry, CEMM behaves identically to
     Microsoft's EMM386 (see AX=FFA5h"EMM386")

See Also: AX=FFA5h"EMM386"

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